not incorrect just bad

So we've had people in town for the last few days and had fun showing them around. We had another MBTV party, but this one didn't feature any broken chairs, tequila, or massive following-day hangovers. A good time was had by all, I hope.

I spent a lot of last week pitching, and things ramped up, with us hitting studios and by all accounts doing a really good job. Our second to last pitch was us pitching to two execs from two sister studios, and then also to a speaker phone, on the other end of which was one exec on location and another in New York. It was a very surreal experience. The last was our best, with us, people one of the production companies trying to sell us to the studios, and two execs from the studio. I think perhaps there was something in the central air because we just killed. We could say nothing wrong, whereas we've had many meetings where we were not met with that much laughter, if any at all. Anyway, no final word has come down, so we're doing a lot of waiting.

And in our waiting, I took guests today to see a taping of two episodes of Politically Incorrect. I've never been a big fan of that show, or of tapings in general, but we figured it would be fun. Well, watching the warm-up comic is always good for a few laughs, if not the way in which he intended. This guy, having to stall numerous times, started out just giving rules and then he went into some, "So, who's from out of town?" stuff. Believe it or not, it got worse from there, with him descending into Vagina Monologue jokes, and at one point he actually said, with no irony, "Is this thing on?" The show was not much better. I'll put it this way, when Elayne Boosler is your best guest, things aren't so good. There was some funny stuff where she talked about Bill Maher only dating 15 year-olds, but they'll probably edit that stuff out. The best was watching Bill and Elayne talking during the breaks. We could hear him saying how unfair that stuff was and her apologizing. He came off like just as much of a spoilsport as you'd think.

In pretty cool news, I've been invited to the Chains of Love closing night party, by a couple cast members who read my recaps and enjoyed the dissing they received. If I end up being able to go, I'll let y'all know how it went. And if I don't ever write again, you'll know I got jumped at the party. Wish me luck.

Also, last night I went to opening night of a play I wrote. I had nothing to do with this production either, but it was pretty good. Surprisingly so. I also got taken out to dinner afterwards in celebration, which was nice. The cool part is we went to the restaurant where Robert Blake killed his wife. And they still have a "Pollo au Robert Blake" or something like that on the menu. And don't feel bad for the restaurant for being associated with it, because they're milking it like nobody's business. When we were finished eating our waiter actually said, "Would you like me to get rid of the evidence?" Maybe PI should hire that dude to warm up the crowd.

Here's more of my age-12 journal:

Jan. 22th 1984

Went to church and then to Sizzler. Played with Jeff, Derek and Matt at the schoolyard. Jeff as an asshole! Came home.

It's 10:12 and I'm about to read "Then Again, Maybe I Won't."

Jan. 30th 1984

Stayed home Friday, Monday and maybe tomorrow. Got a walkman.

I have a cold and a sore throat. Went to acting class anyway.

Over weekend played with Michael. Got new fishing pole. Went fishing Sat & Sun. He slept over.

It's 10:15. "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie is on KITS.

Jan. 31st 1984

Was sick.

No fun.

Going to school tomorrow.


The Robert Downey Jr. Happy Song Corner


Downey likes Dr. Pepper. He just thought you should know.
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