stee tell left column he soon bring who dat? contest back. What that mean? Also say Larry went nuts yesterday and no longer have job here. poor larry.
poor left column more though. hi!
what a
stee wants... "What a girl wants. What a girl needs. Somebody sensitive and tough. Somebody there when the going gets rough. Every night he'll be giving his love. To just one girl, one girl, one. Somebody cool but real tender too. Somebody, baby, just like you." -christina agulera
To get rid of this insomnia, ex-smokers cough, shakiness, inability to concentrate on- hey look a ladybug... What a stee wants. What a stee needs... To one day have someone offer him a contract that doesn't turn out to be total shit. To not have to pay a lawyer 600 bucks to discover that once again, people will try to fuck you. Usually when people want to fuck you, it's a good thing. Not in this case. Stupid Shark. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... A hot tub, a pack of Lucky's, and Julianna Margulies holding a lighter. Now that's not too much to ask, is it? What a stee wants. What a stee needs... The Beastie Boys not to wait 5 more years to release an album. Sugar Ray to be banned from all Los Angeles area radio stations. Jewel to shut up forever, because, well, c'mon... Really. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... Regis to call me, apologizing for not putting me on Millionaire sooner. Then to get on the show and have every question be about 1990's Playwrights, cool dive bars in Los Angeles, and The Karate Kid. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... To see that E*Trade commercial with the monkey again. That was funny. Ha. Monkeys... What a stee wants. What a stee needs... I just asked my boss to fire me. He said no. Shit. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... Wow. I'm glad he said no. That would have been dumb. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... Oh my god I almost just started crying. For no reason. At work. Just sitting here at my desk. What the fuck?! What a stee wants. What a stee needs... Does anyone know what Vicodin does to you? Someone gave me some Vicodin the other day. I'm starting to think maybe I should take it. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... Dude. This is fucked up right here. I just saw a photo of a girl and thought she was kinda cute, and then I realized it was Kelly Martin! What a stee wants. What a stee needs... You know what my favorite part of a woman is? Tie. Her flume (the space above her upper lip) and the small of her back. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... OK, next person who sends me a joke email forward about the differences between men and women gets the Melissa virus. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... I bought ice cream over a week ago, and I haven't yet taken it out of the freezer. I thought not smoking was supposed to make you eat a lot. Liars. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... What a woman wants? That's a good question, man. I'm working on that question with the utmost attention. Years of study. To feel truly desired, is one. I think I've nailed down about nine so far. The other 847 elude me still. What a stee wants. What a stee needs... Coffee. Gum. Music. Laughter. Passion. Diet Coke. Water. Something to eat maybe. Good friends. Beer. People to use their turn signals. Sleep. A constant and measurable moving forward of my career, eventually leading to fame and wealth. Art. A love that both floors me with its power and depth, and makes me better than I am. People not to take themselves so fucking seriously all the time. Clean air. And Cate Blanchett's hot Australian ass.
![]() You have made me smile again in fact, I might be sore from it, it's been a while. I know we've been together many times before. I'll see you on the other side. But don't change your plans for me. I won't move to L.A. The leaves are falling back East. That's where I'm going to stay. All I know I've gotta be. Where my heart says I oughta be. It often makes no sense, in fact, I never understand these things I feel... speaking of which. Hey dudes! Good gig, this. Hope it works out. Anyway... Man, I was at The Good Luck Bar the other night with Julie Delpy and Brad and Skeet and Jennifer, and Skeet starts talking about autumn and the leaves back east, cuz he's from "New York" and all and personally between you and me thinks he's a total bad ass and what he doesn't know is that I turned down "Touch" waaaaaaaaay before he was ever shown the script, so I don't know what he's all talking about "Leaves Back East" for like, man... do you know what that sounds like? Leaves back east, my ass. Well, I just sort of mumbled into my Blue Heron and then slipped these rad checkered Vans Kirstie gave me when I became OT-4 back onto my feet and I just kinda started walking around the block. But then the neighborhood isn't all that great, you know, so I turned around and went back to the booth and Drew was there and that's cool because, hey, it's Drew.