never been a bitch so I don't act bitchy

Monday, December 10, 2007

Like A Pontiac Aztek Fucked A PT Cruiser

Number one sign the AMPTP are a bunch of old-tymey robber baron morons who actually MIGHT NOT UNDERSTAND THE INTERNET AFTER ALL?:

They forgot to secure AMPTP dot com.

Very funny, guys. This is especially awesome:

We have already offered the writers a very generous $250 per episode for using their work on the Internet. Sure, $250 may not sound like much, but it adds up – a whole season of "Heroes" would cost nearly $6,000! Who's going to pay that money? Go look at at the "Heroes" web site – unless you count Nissan, Cisco, Sprint, and American Express, nobody's willing to step up and advertise on such a risky and unproven medium. And who knows how much longer those fly-by-night operations will be around? (I mean, have you seen the Nissan Rogue? It looks like a Pontiac Aztek fucked a PT Cruiser, am I right?)

...Oh man, the whole site is brilliant.


Anonymous Betsy said...

That is so awesome.

AMPT to the motherfuckin' P!

10:16 PM

Blogger Mike said...

"FOX unveils 'Are you stronger than a Retard'"

Gold. Likely the AMPTP will sue.

8:20 AM

Anonymous CarlyM said...

Something must have happened. Check the site now.

6:36 PM


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