Thank You AFTRA-SAG Federal Credit Union!
When I arrived home yesterday I found a letter from my friendly (read: crooked, shyster-y, all around incompetent) credit union informing me that they had "A Holiday Gift" for me! They would be automatically allowing me to skip my December car loan payment as a "Thank You," so that I might have more money to "take care of all the shopping, traveling, and entertaining that needs to be done."
In calling to find out more, I discovered that this actually meant that the total amount of interest would actually increase! (They were only deferring the principal payment, not the interest. Never the interest.) In other words, they'd be charging me double interest the next month... right when all the bills from the shopping and traveling and entertaining that needed to "be done" arrived!
Thank you AFTRA-SAG FCU. That's the dickiest gift that's ever cost me ninety dollars to recieve!
I'm sorry, but that letter topped my day. Greedy tarts!!!
4:13 PM
I got the same letter and I appreciate the credit union allowing me to defer my loan and credit card payment one month! I had so many expenses at year's end like plane tickets home, gift purchases, etc. and I really needed to have the extra cash.
What's more, the credit union said right in the letter that if I didn't want to defer my December payment, all I had to do was make the payment as I usually do. It was also very clear that the interest charge would simply carry over so there was nothing bad about it.
Thank you AFTRA-SAG Federal Credit Union!
11:26 AM
This was a great offer, and if you didn't like it, you didn't have to take it. Not all lending institutions even offer deferments without penalty at all.
I can't believe anyone actually spent the time to complain about this! Get a life :)
3:35 PM
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11:57 AM
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