Hannigan Will Meet Perry on London Stage
If there's anything about this that sounds like a good idea to you, let me know.
never been a bitch so I don't act bitchy
If there's anything about this that sounds like a good idea to you, let me know.
True love is wicked cute, isn't it?
Go play Mullendash! , the game Glark, Wing Chun, Pamie and I created, and the entire staff of TWOP perfected during our recent Vegas conference-slash-excuse-to-get-together-and-drink-and-gamble-and-still-write-the-trip-off-as-a-business-expense.
My super-agent Ted Gideonse of the Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency in New York has been working tirelessly to push my first novel, which is called IN LIGHT OF RECENT EVENTS. He is a fantastic human being and I am very lucky to have him on my side. (His attention is particularly mystifying since he's often so busy managing all of client Dennis Lahane's MYSTIC RIVER and SHUTTER ISLAND [much-deserved] glory.)
While waiting in a SONY screening room to see the wretchedly-trite and pedestrian Mona Lisa Smile this weekend, Pamie and I were bagging on Melissa Gilbert, the awful President of my awful union, SAG—in light of Pamie’s recent experience watching Melissa Gilbert do what it is very hard to do: totally ruin moderating a panel. (The only person I’ve ever seen do this is Harry Knowles, for point of reference.) We were trying to figure out why a person would want to be the President of SAG. It seems like an endless headache of negotiations and failed mergers and unhappy constituents, for not much pay or power.
Aw. My former neighbor , gets a DUI.